5 BIG mistakes you're making on Instagram

5 BIG mistakes you're making on Instagram

Here are our top 5 Instagram mistakes start ups and small business owners make!

1.Posting low quality images
Go high or go home...

In this day and age there are really no excuses to have poor quality images, and this will only bring the credibility and aesthetic of your Instagram feed down.

Instagram image dimensions:

- Instagram Main Feed Posts:
1000 x 1000 pixels min

- Reels & Story Post:
1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels

2. No hashtags

As Instagram is a monetised platform its hard to get organic reach. If you post without hashtags in such a crowded field its hard to be seen! Hashtags help you reach your audiences and gain new followers. 

Instagram posts can hold up to 30 hashtags - that doesn't mean every post should include that many but it's essential to use some.

And remember to make them relevant to your brand, think about the nature and goals of your post, the characteristics and mix it up. Don't use the same 

3. A poor Instagram bio
I want to know how your product/service benefits me, not your life story?

So when a potential customer first clicks on your profile - other than maybe having a quick glance at your profile photo and feed, the next step is a read of who you are.

Your Instagram bio a permanent location to give your brand the biggest shout out. Here is where you can tell them exactly who you are and why it's solving a problem they have. With 150 characters - you can pull them in!

Keep it clear and concise - and remember, you only get 1 first impression!

4. No consistency when posting
It's all about consistency...

Let’s imagine you start posting regularly, start to build relationships and engage with your following and suddenly stop. Your followers are left wondering what happened and Instagram’s algorithms really don’t like inconsistency and could stop showing your posts on people’s feeds all together.

Keep it consistent!

5. An ugly feed
Aesthetic = life

This consistency also applies to the look and feel of your page. Keep it on brand. If you have a colour palette, font book and key tone of voice throughout your communications – include these on your Instagram posts!

If you lack consistency your feed not only looks messy but can confuse the potential customer and make you lose credibility. Which will in essence affect your engagement

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